If you are still reading because I used the term "blogosphere", the rest of this will disappoint you, and I'm sorry for that, but this is MY blog and I will use it the way I want.
And if you don't care - I like you, keep reading.
I used to have a Livejournal, which was a fairly personal space where I could rant, and occasionally I head back there and feel compelled to update. But now that I'm out of high school and college, I feel that something a little more professional sounding and maybe looking would be best should people try to Google me or something. Something to knock those hotel videos out of the top ten (I'm lying, don't go looking). But should you feel the need to see what I was like several years ago, there you go, Livejournal, the place for emo last decade.
Which brings me to now - I want a place where I can work out various issues that might be affecting me/my area/my state/my country/my solar system, as well as get out a few of my opinions. Granted, I'm open to many things, and I really like to examine my beliefs and opinions, so this won't be a "LISTEN MY WAY IS THE RIGHT WAY AND YOU ARE WRONG!" kind of blog. It will be a "So I've been thinking about it and here's what I have and you are free to think something different."
Also, Livejournal doesn't really feel like a place for politics or other serious stuff. For some reason this does.
That's all I need for an introduction, I believe. And if you are still here, then I hope you stay. :)